Sunday Steven and me had our friends Jen and Weist over! it was fun we went to King of Prussia and I got some adorable new blind box items and Steven got some new dunny's that I can't wait to post for your viewing pleasure :) oh we also ended up meeting w/ steven's friend Shaun at the mall ... it was my first time meeting him! and I am glad that I did! he bought white linen pants to look like Gob so he was automatically good with me haha
I had intentions on getting clothing but I find it hard to search for clothes when you have other people with you, oh the Tokidoki line at Sephora was pretty disappointing...
Today I went to buy supplies to make cupcakes for my class on Wednesday and I found this weird cupcake maker that looks like a george forman grill with cupcake holes... it was $30 and it actually works pretty well!

Oh, Steven passed both of his written inspection tests today :) I am so proud of him he has been doing amazing with work! He is such an amazing guy... I am so lucky to have that little stinker
O.K. Goodnight!
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